George Y. Ahiome was born in Kano, Nigeria and spent his formative years in Kano before relocating to the United States of America where he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (B.A Economics) from Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. He has two further Masters Degrees in Business Administration (M.B.A International Business) from Cornerstone University, and Master of Educational Leadership (M.Ed. Educational Leadership) from Calvin University.
George is an educator at heart and is an ardent proponent of excellence in teaching and learning. He is passionate about education and its power to transform the hearts, and minds of individuals, communities, nations, and the world towards positive and life-giving ends. His professional life has seen him work in private businesses, multinational development organizations, and schools both in Nigeria and the United States. He currently serves as the Executive Director of Yandutse School which caters to the Kano Metropolis and beyond.
In his spare time, George enjoys handiwork, gardening, exercising, and travelling to name a few. He adventures through life with his lovely wife Sara and their 3 children.
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